Position Statements
This guidance does not apply to the use of Sativex® (delta-9-etrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol) oromucosal spray as an adjunct treatment for moderate to severe spasticity in multiple sclerosis
The Lancashire Medicines Management Group does not recommend the prescribing of e-Cigarettes
To be read in conjunction with the LSCMMG guideline ‘Assessing suitability of strong opioid use’
Please note: a standard operating procedure for switching Keppra preparations to generic levetiracetam preparations is available in support of the position statement below. This is for use by practice supporting pharmacy teams across Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB ONLY
This position statement relates to the use of tapentadol MR for the following indications:
1. As a treatment option for intractable neuropathic pain in non-palliative care patients
2. As a treatment for nonspecific pain